Bunnymod Pro, also known as hlspbunny pro is a speedrunning oriented mod made as a successor to the HLSP Bunny mod after it ceased to receive new updates. Bunnymod Pro does everything hlspbunny 4 does plus adding WON crowbar damage values, keeping grenade time through loads, and several useful HUD elements with the intention of aiding speedrunning and segmented speedrunning more directly than hlspbunny.
- Restored uncapped Bunnyhopping.
- Restored WON crowbar damage.
- Speedometer and lots of other counters (height, jump speed, etc.)
- Hud Grenade Timer - indicates how much time is left until grenade detonation.
- Trigger display.
- Updated Health indicator - shows exact health when it's above 255, up to 32767. Used with the Infinite Health Door glitch. Togglable with hud_health_5dig cvar.
- Variable HUD; all HUD elements can be moved to certain position.
- Ruler with many features! Measures distances in-game, multiple points can be set and distance is outputted both measuring in all three planes and only in XY plane (not counting height).
- Autostopsave points - you can set the radius and console command that is executed when you enter the sphere with the center in this point and the set radius!
- Autocmd planes - similar to triggers, but work like autostopsave points and entirely clientside!
- Damage indicator / history with smooth animation, clientside!
- Display of the health and other entity of the entity under your crosshair! Client + server
- sv_bhopcap (0 | 1) - if 1, enables the bunnyhop cap, if 0 - disables.
- cl_bhopcap (0 | 1) - same as above, but clientside - used for movement prediction. You basically want to set this to 0 if the server doesn't have the bunnyhop cap and to 1 if it does.
- sv_crowbar_won_damage (0 | 1) - if 1, the first crowbar swing damage is correctly recognised as it was in the WON version.
- sv_explosion_display (0 | 1) - if 0, explosions are not rendered.
- sv_trigger_***_display (0 | 1) - replace *** with a trigger name (push, teleport, etc.); enables the display of *** trigger. May need a map restart.
- sv_trigger_***_color "r g b" - replace *** with a trigger name (push, teleport, etc.); sets the display color for *** trigger. May need a map restart. Don't forget the double quotes.
- sv_info_landmark_display (0 | 1) - if 1, displays info_landmark entities. May need a map restart.
- sv_info_landmark_model - if set, this model is used for displaying info_landmarks. Unexisting models may cause crash. May need a map restart.
- sv_firemon_target - sets the classname, which is monitored using hud_firemon command.
- sv_dumptriggers (0 | 1) - if set to 1, dumps the triggers from the map on map load as custom boxes into a config file that will be located inside your working directory/your mod name/mapname.cfg, for example: Half-Life/hlspbunny/t0a0.cfg.
- cl_rendermodels (0 | 1) - if 0, models are not rendered.
- cl_rendergibs (0 | 1) - if 0, gibs are not rendered.
- cl_modelalpha (0 | 1) - if 1, viewmodel is 50% transparent.
- cl_wallhack (0 | 1) - if 1, renders entities through walls.
- cl_ruler_enable (0 | 1) - if 1, you can add points to the ruler.
- cl_ruler_render (0 | 1) - if 0, ruler points are not rendered.
- cl_ruler_autodelay - if greater than 0, sets the points automatically to your position every <value> seconds. This is a floating point value, which means that you can set it to, for example, 0.5.
- cl_boxes_render (0 | 1) - if 0, custom boxes are not rendered.
- cl_autostopsave_radius - sets the radius of the autostopsave point.
- cl_autostopsave_cmd - sets the command that is executed when you enter the autostopsave point. If you want multiple commands to execute, just set the variable like that: cl_autostopsave_cmd "stop;save mysave".
- cl_autocmd_enable (0 | 1) - if 1, autocmd planes execute commands.
- cl_autocmd_render (0 | 1) - if 1, autocmd planes are rendered (drawn to the screen).
- cl_autocmd_plane (x | y | z) - sets the coordinate that is checked. This is more understandable if you look at it in-game.
- cl_autocmd_coord - sets the coordinate value to check. Again, this is more understandable visually. Imagine an infinite thin wall with cl_autocmd_plane coordinate set to cl_autocmd_coord. I don't really know a good way of explaining it.
- cl_autocmd_distance - sets the distance, in which you have to be from the autocmd plane, for cl_autocmd_cmd to execute. Default value is 34.0.
- cl_autocmd_cmd - sets the command that is executed when you touch the autocmd plane. If you want multiple commands to execute, just set the variable like that: cl_autocmd_cmd "stop;save mysave".
- cl_gauss_tracer (0 | 1) - if 1, renders the line that shows how the gauss beam will act. The tracer assumes that the gauss is fully charged, if you fire a not fully charged gauss, it may not reflect to the end. If the beam is red, then the gauss fire will produce a wallgauss.
- hud_color "r g b" - sets the color of HUD elements. Set to "auto" to use the default color. Don't forget the double quotes.
- hud_alpha (0 - 255) - sets the opacity of the HUD elements. Set to "auto" to use the default value.
- hud_accuracy (0 | 1) - if 1, numbers like speedometer are displayed with 6 digits after the comma.
- hud_***_pos "x y" - replace *** with a hud element (health, speedometer, etc.); offsets the position of *** on the screen. 0 is no offset. Don't forget the double quotes.
- hud_pos_percent (0 | 1) - if 1, all hud_***_pos variables are measured in percents instead of pixels.
- hud_origin_x (0 | 1) - if 1, displays your X position on the screen.
- hud_origin_y (0 | 1) - if 1, displays your Y position on the screen.
- hud_origin_z (0 | 1) - if 1, displays your Z position on the screen.
- hud_viewangle_x (0 | 1) - if 1, displays your X viewangle on the screen.
- hud_viewangle_y (0 | 1) - if 1, displays your Y viewangle on the screen.
- hud_speedometer (0 | 1) - if 1, displays your speed on the screen.
- hud_jumpspeed (0 | 1) - if 1, displays the speed of your last jump on the screen.
- hud_zspeed (0 | 1) - if 1, displays your vertical speed on the screen.
- hud_acceleration (0 | 1) - if 1, displays your acceleration on the screen.
- hud_demorec_counter (0 | 1) - if 1, displays the demo recording time on the screen. More accurate than the built-in one (time that shows in listdemo concmd) because it doesn't count the time while the game is paused.
- hud_grenadetimer (0 | 1) - if 1, displays the grenade timer on the screen.
- hud_gaussboost (0 | 1 | 2) - if 1 or 2, displays various values, relevant to gauss boosting (like the speed you'll get after the boost) on the screen. Setting this to 2 will display more values.
- hud_speedinfo (0 | 1) - if 1, displays a table with different speed values on the screen.
- hud_damage (0 | 1) - if 1, displays the damage history.
- hud_entityhealth (0 | 1) - if 1, displays the health of the entity under your crosshair.
- hud_entityinfo (0 | 1) - if 1, displays some info about the entity under your crosshair.
- hud_firemon (0 | 1) - if 1, displays the entity fire monitor that displays how many times an entity with sv_firemon_target classname was fired, for example, due to being a target for a button and the said button getting pressed.
- hud_health_reqhev (0 | 1) - if 1, health is showed even if you don't have a HEV Suit.
- hud_health_5dig (0 | 1) - if 0, uses the default HL1 health display, up to 255. If 1, displays health up to 32767.
- hud_battery_5dig (0 | 1) - if 0, uses the default HL1 battery display, up to 255. If 1, displays battery up to 32767.
- hud_grenadetimer_width - sets the width in pixels of the grenade timer bar.
- hud_grenadetimer_height - sets the height in pixels of the grenade timer bar.
- hud_damage_enable (0 | 1) - if 1, any health change is recorded into the damage history.
- hud_damage_size - size of the damage history.
- hud_damage_anim (0 | 1) - if 1, damage history has smooth animation on every change.
¶ Console Commands
- sv_sethealth - sets your health. Up to 32767.
- sv_setbattery - sets your armor. Up to 32767.
- alias_ex <name> <command> - works like alias, but supports command arguments. Use _ for invoking the aliased commands.
- _ <alias name> <optional arguments> - invokes the command aliased with alias_ex.
- fps_save - saves the current fps_max value.
- fps_restore - restores the fps_max value saved by fps_save.
- cl_ruler_reset - deletes all ruler points.
- cl_ruler_distance - outputs the total distance between ruler points.
- cl_ruler_aimpos - creates a new point where you're looking at.
- cl_ruler_playerpos - creates a new point where you are.
- cl_ruler_viewpos - creates a new point at your eyes position.
- cl_ruler_addorigin "x y z" - adds a new point with x, y and z coordinates. Supports floating point numbers. Don't forget the double quotes.
- cl_ruler_dellast - deletes the last point.
- cl_boxes_reset - deletes all custom boxes.
- cl_boxes_dellast - deletes the last custom box.
- cl_boxes_addorigin <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <r> <g> <b> <opacity> - adds a new box with x1, y1 and z1 being the coordinates of one corner; x2, y2 and z2 - of the opposite corner; r, g and b - red green and blue colours and opacity - uhm, opacity. Supports floating point numbers.
- cl_autostopsave_addpoint - converts the last added ruler point to an autostopsave point.
- cl_autostopsave_delpoint - deletes the autostopsave point.
- cl_autostopsave_printorigin - prints the origin of the autostopsave point into the console.
- hud_health_difference - acts like a console variable. Adds that value to the health value that is displayed on the screen. Can be negative.
- hud_demorec_reset - resets the demo recording time.
- hud_damage_reset - resets the damage history.
- Huge thanks to Maverick for telling me how to fix colours in TriAPI rendering.
- Developers of HLSP Bunny Mod: rofi, MrBozo.
- Original developer of Bunnymod Pro: Julien.
- Ideas and motivation: quadrazid, SpiderWaffle.
- Uncle Mike for his Xash3D engine, the source code of which helped me to understand how certain parts of GoldSrc were supposed to work.
- Motivation: a bunch of suspicious lithuanians.
- Original HLSP Bunny Mod idea: SpiderWaffle's vision to create a framework for a better, more seamless Half-Life speedrunning experience, with original single player settings, untainted by patches influenced from Counter-Strike, still preserving all the integrity that is Half-Life, unmodified on a fundamental level. With an ultimate goal to create a better, larger, unified, easier to become involved with community of Half-Life speedrunners.